Is a DPF Filter Covered Under Warranty


Have you thought about buying a vehicle with a Diesel engine? The DPF is an integral part of modern diesel engine technology. You might be asking yourself if your DPF is protected under warranty.

A DPF failure can cause an issue. If this happens, the warranty may not cover the cost of repair. The warranty does not cover a blocked DPF if the problem is upstream from it. The DPF will be blocked if the proper setup is not done.

Because diesel requires additional maintenance, this is important. The warranty covers only certain parts, so buyers should be familiar with these parts. Buy a Diesel Vehicle and Get a DPF Warranty

Vehicle warranties should be thoroughly researched by truck and passenger car buyers. The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is what a consumer should know. This equipment is not available for internal combustion engines that use gasoline. The DPF works in the same way as a catalytic converter, but it is essential for the operation of a diesel.

Warranty DPF

A new DPF filter could cost $3,000 and $10,000 depending on the diesel size and application. Long-term warranties with this type of replacement cost need to be carefully examined. Absolute requirements are short-term guarantees. In reality, a used DPF could cost up to $1500.

What Warranty Covers a DPF Filter?

Diesel particulate filters are considered a consumable component, like light bulbs and tires. READ THE OWNERS’ MANUAL before purchasing a light-duty passenger car/truck. The manual will indicate whether the DPF is protected.

Before buying a diesel vehicle, the buyer must first examine their driving habits. Manufacturers will not approve your purchase if you drive in cities with stop-and-go traffic. The DPF doesn’t have time to recharge if you drive a diesel car to the grocery store from the garage, which will be considered short-distance driving if you travel 3000 to 6 000 miles per year. It doesn’t allow the DPF to speed up and start the regeneration process.

The conditions above would mean few passenger cars or light-duty truck manufacturers would offer the DPF warranty. DPFs are costly, and vehicle manufacturers will find any way to avoid paying the high replacement costs.

Each model year brings new warranty terms and the primary research required for significant diesel engine manufacturers. The majority of the latest manuals are available for free.

We will now examine the various warranties available for DPFs depending on the vehicle manufacturer.

1. Ford Powerstroke Particulate Filter Warranty

Ford Diesel Diesel emissions control equipment is good for five years or 100,000 miles. According to technical service bulletins, the warranty coverage has changed with the 2008 model years.

Regeneration issues plagued the 6.4L.

2. The Chevrolet/General Motors Duramax Diesels Particulate Filter Warranty

The warranty coverage covers DPF and DEF systems under the three years 36,000 mile or five years 100,000 mile. Duramax forum provides emission equipment for 50,000 miles. It is unclear whether the DPF system should be considered part of either the powertrain or the emission control equipment. Duramax owners can purchase extended warranties covering bumper-to-bumper for six years and 100,000 miles.

3. Dodge Cummins Partial Filter Warranty

The Dodge Cummins warranty provides emissions equipment for eight years or 80,000 mi. Many posts will address issues related to the DPF/SCR systems back in the 2007-2008 model years. Cracked filters appearing in the buying cycle is a significant problem.

4. VW Diesel Particulate Filter Warranty

VW claims that the Federal Emissions Warranty covers your VW Jetta for the Engine Control Module, On-Board Diagnostics II, and Catalytic Converter. It also covers DPF filters and Catalytic Converters for up to eight years, or 80,000 miles, depending on when it occurs.

Many fleet managers and drivers of industrial diesel and automotive engines use a two-pronged DPF maintenance and warranty approach. Extended warranty companies for commercial vehicles offer complete emission packages for diesel.

  • National Truck Protection includes the following components:
  • EGR Valve (Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve)
  • Doser Injector (Seventh Injector)
  • DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst)
  • DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)
  • DEF Tank (Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank)
  • SCR (Selective Catalytic Reducer)


EPA has changed the diesel engine market with particulate matter regulations. Independent diesel operators and commercial fleets use every advantage to comply with the rules. Modern technology has inspired ways to reduce harmful exhaust fumes. Many retrofit diesel engines with better emission equipment and keep the vehicle on the road until more robust technology is developed.

Commercial operators can use extended warranty companies to help them deal with the many related costs.

Diesel on the Rise in Europe and the UK

The impact of Germany’s decision to allow cities to ban diesel engines cars has wide-ranging consequences for Europe and the industry. Only 33 percent of the market share in Britain has declined. The government is under increasing pressure.

Manufacturers are particular about spending billions of dollars needed to retrofit the 12 million diesel engines. Do your research if you’re thinking of buying one of these vehicles.

BMW – In 2004, the company began retrofitting automobiles equipped with a DPF. Some models will have a DPF, while others won’t. The equipment should be available on any BMW model older than 2008 (or later). A BMW particulate filter lasts approximately 100k miles. Please refer to the owner’s manual to find out if your particulate filter is covered by warranty.

Honda Retrofits began approximately four years before the EU5. The Honda Company will honor your warranty coverage depending on mileage, recommend low-ash oil, and use diesel additives.

Toyota: All vehicles after 2010 will come with a DPF. DPF regeneration problems began in 2006 with Toyota. Refer to the Owner’s Manual.

Volkswagen – This denigrated company raised awareness about toxic diesel exhaust fumes through their recent campaign.

The Key Takeaways

There are many benefits to diesel engines. It is not an engine or system that you can jump into and drive away without thinking about maintenance. To ensure you don’t end up paying an unexpected cost, check your driving habits and how many miles you drive each year. Manufacturers are reluctant about replacing diesel emission equipment.


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